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Gábor Neuwirth (1931) ( retired ) associate professor dipl. Civil Engineer (spec. structures), Technical University of Construction and Economics ("ÉKME" - ancestor of TUB) 1953 foreign languages: speakes, corresponds in English and in Russian |
- Cost estimates and pricing in Construction
- Site management
- Time estimates
- Hungarian application system in higher education
- Measuring productivity of education in highschools
Professional, scientific and public activities
- Chair of National Educational Society of Technical Universities and Polytechnics (1970-89)
- Deputy Dean of Faculty of Civil Engineering, TUB (1973-91)
- Ministerial commisioner of (written) higher educational appliation procedures in Vas county (1962-65), later in Budapest (1965-86)
- Manager, later whole-country director of Preliminary Training Programs for Trained Workers (1973-91)
- Leader of Committee of Preparatory Works of Application's for Higher Education, later leader of Movement for Talents (1972-)
- Manager (1990-97), later member of board of Gyõrffy István Talents' Care Foundation
- Director (1986-92), later chief consultant of National Higher Educational Applications' Office (1992-99)
Significant projects
- Alltogether 10 research programs in fields of : construction cost estimates and pricing, structure comparisons
- ( hydraulics, underground structures, supply ducts ) Expertises and surveys (21) : KPM analysing public road bridge structures, construction legislation and standards, users guide and methodology for using cost and performance standards, capacity analysis at North-Pest investments of METROBER company
- Site layout and survey plans (53) : North-South lane of METRO, Gellért-Hill basins of water supply system of Budapest, Barrage (dam) at Csongrád, highway and road reconstructions in Budapest ( Róbert Károly körút, Budafoki út, Sasadi út, Hungária körút, Erzsébet királyné útja, Soroksári út, Újpest centrum road system, Erzsébet híd reconstruction ), Computer aided production analysis of companies ( Északdunántúli Vízügyi Igazgatóság, Gyõri-, Székesfehérvári-, Hódmezõvásárhelyi KÉV )
- Structure and technology designs (8), cost estimates and pricing of dwelling houses, offices and other public buildings (10), time estimates and site layout plans (15)
Significant publications
- 16 volumes of university lecture notes in fields of construction management, cost estimates and pricing, mechanization of substructural works, and of construction performance
- 10 studies in fields of construction site layout design, monitoring higher education, application system in higher education and of computer aided education
- 57 volumes of books and studies about choice of career, experiences of application system in higher education
- ( preparing for application, application guides, surveys ) 12 volumes of books and alltogether 63 articles about evaluating education in highschools