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Dr. József Majnik (1953) engineer ( architect ) on board dipl. Architect , TUB 1977 dipl. Engineer On Construction Economics, TUB 1983 dipl. Engineer Specialist Of Quality Management, TUB 1999 dr. univ. theses: "Macro-level planning of buildings operation and maintenance", 1986 foreign languages: negotiates in German, corresponds in English |
- Architectural- and structural design
- Constrcution technology, performance in construction
- Construction economics, construction management
- Quality management
Professional, scientific and public activities
- IPARTERV, structures designer (1977-80)
- VGV, head of Department (1980-81)
- TUB Department of Constrcution Technology and Management, lecturer (scholar 1981-83, professor's assistant 1983-86, assistant professor 1986-99)
- TUB, deputy rector's consultant (1992-97)
- University Alliance of Budapest ("BESz"), R&D manager (1991-97)
- Pest County Government, senior consultant (1999-)
- Hungarian Chamber of Engineers, member
- Hunagrian Chamber of Architects, member
- Senior structure designer, construction supervisor in High Construction
- TÜV-ÖSTERREICH (Wien) registered expert of quality management
- Construction Authorities' Technical College, Preparatory Committee, member
Significant projects
- Ministry of Defense, hangar and laboratory, authorization- and detailed design, Kecskemét, structure design (1978-80)
- AKV social building and workshop, authorization- and detailed design, Orosháza (1977-79)
- MSV highrise storehouse, detailed design, Budapest, structure design (1978-79)
- OHVI access bridge, tender design, co-designer (1979)
- Agricultural Cooperation ("MGTSZ") farm center and grainstore, road and bridge, authorization- and detailed design (1986-88)
- Arany János Children's Theatre, reconstruction, structure design, co-designer (1986-87)
- Hotel Rubin, phase II, structure design (1986-87)
- At about 60 dwelling- and weekend houses, architectural and structural design, authorization- and detailed design (1977-90)
- VIDEOTON Sárbogárd, industrial hall, structural enforcement, structure design (1983-84)
- FTR-OÉR housing cadaster system development, FÜTI, supervisor (1986-87)
- Budapest Transport Company ("BKV"), wehicle yards, complex reconstructions, research and system design (1984-85)
- Hungarian Railway Company ("MÁV"), building cadaster ( property register ) system (1986-89)
- Operative management programs of structural- and finishing works of block-systemed constructions ("HOPIR") (1981-83)
- HÉBEL-YTONG system structures, applications' handbook (1991-93)
- Quality management in Higher Education - The complex exam, research for the Hungarian Accreditations' Committee ("MAB") (1997-99)
Significant publications
- Complex lightweighted structure systems and their appliations in Hungary, performance on conference "OTDK XIII", Szeged (1977)
- System-approached building stock maintenance planning, performance on "SZ.V.T.T. Maintenance Management Conference" (1988, pp: 73-80)
- Guide for students of Architecture, lecture notes, TUB (1986-92)
- Planung der Erhaltung des Baubestands, ein Simulations-modell zur Förderung der Volkswirtschaftlichen Planung, Periodica Polytechnica Vol. 33. Nos 1-2. 1989. pp: 47-57
- Forwards in Construction Economics for practicing engineers in construction, "Referenciák lapja", volume 2, 1998. pp: 157-158
- Courses of Construction Economics on TUB restarted, "Építésügyi Szemle" 1999/1. pp: 22-24
- Complex exam in hungarian higher education, "Magyar felsõoktatás" 1999/5-6. pp: 49-51
- Quality in Construction, lecture notes, co-author, 1999
- Quality management in hungarian higher education, "Magyar felsõoktatás" 2000/5-6. pp: 47-49
- About our building stock - by the ways of an extreme situation, "Mûszaki tervezés" 2000/1. pp: 36-37
- Planning and facility management, "OFFICE" volume 2, 2000, pp: 93
- About means of improving quality of built environment, TUB Dept. of Constr. Tech. & Man., 2000
- About our building stock - by the ways of an extreme situation, "Építésügyi Szemle" volume 2000/1 pp: 26-27
- About building surveys by authorities, "Építésügyi szemle" volume 2000/4 pp: 97-98
- Construction Supervisors' Handbook, co-author, Terc Ltd., Budapest 2001