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Dr. Jenõ Kiss (1933) dipl. Architect, TUB 1956 dr. univ. theses: "Problems of water proofing works with special consideration of using PVC foils", 1978 Ph.D. (C.Sc.) theses: "Water proofing with soft PVC sheets on sub- and super structures", 1984 foreign languages: corresponds in Russian and in French |
- Construction performances at deep- and high construction, and at hydro-engineering
- Building structures, proofs on sub- and super structures
- Construction technologies
Professional career
- Site-, later senior engineer at more construction projects, 1957-63
- Managing construction projects in Chemicals Industry, 1963-70
- VEGYÉPSZER Rt., director, 1970-76
- Vízépítõipari Tröszt, technical director, 1977-91
- Ministry of Transport-, Telecommunication- and Water Affairs, ministerial commissioner, 1992
- VEGYÉPSZER Rt. director, 1992-99
Scientific activities
- Hungarian Academy of Science ("MTA"), Committee of Architecture, member of committee
- Hungarian Chamber of Engineers ("MMK"), Section of Civil Engineering, member of leading board
- National Alliance of Construction Contractors ("ÉVOSZ"), funding member-, later member of leading board
- Construction Science Association ("ÉTE"), member
- Hydrologysts' Society, member
Significant projects
- Publications in the MTMT - database
- At Mélyépítõ Vállalat: Danube Cement and Lime Works, Budapest Gas Works tar precepitator tanks and fenol stores, electric sub-stations, coking ovens
- At Vegyipari Tröszt: TVK, Tiszamenti Vegyi Mûvek ( Chemicals Works at river Tisza ), Budapest Vegyi Mûvek, Pét Nitrogen Works, Nitrokémia, managing construction projects and investments
- At VEGYÉPSZER Constructions' Division: Inota Power Plant, ÁFOR plants, Heat stations, construction works of coal-mines, Paks nuclear power station temporary store construction, Százhalombatta power station extension, even more, constructional works of Ferihegy Airport Terminal 2/b and Lurdy-House
- At Vízépítõipari Tröszt: 40-some waste-water treatment plants, water supply stations and wells ( Budapest, Szolnok, Mohács ), Dunakiliti Barrage
Significant publications
- Costs and Future Trends at Constructing Steel and Reinforced Concrete Structures, study, OMFB 10-503-T, 1970
- Proofing Construction Ditches of Engineering Objects Founded on Sedimental Soil ( Co. J. Márton ), Issues on Hydrology, 1981. 2.
- Co-operation of Mélyépítési Kutatási-Fejlesztési Társaság and Vízépítõipari Tröszt ( Co. F. Stentzl ), Constructions' Review, 1982. 3.
- Standards, Branch of Hydro-Engineering (MSZ 10302/1-81) Hydro-Engineering Objects, Water Proofing Foils of Earthworks (co-operation)
- Some Problems of Developing the 3000 m3 Reinforced Concrete Structured Water Tower, Deep-Construction Science Review, 1984. 1.
- Some Problems of Soft PVC Foil Proofs of Water Stores, Hungarian Construction, 1985. 7.
- Technical Development of Fresh- and Waste Water Treatment at Vízépítõipari Trösztnél, Hungarian Hydro-Economy, 1996. 1.
- Leading co-operation in elaborating and editing some 20 standards and directions introduced in hydro-engineering
- More readings on assemblies of Hydrologysts' Society dealing with hydro-engineering and with public supplies
- More readings on assemblies of Construction Science Association on fields of analysing high construction technologies and introducing construction processes